Its O-fficial: Android O is Android Oreo!

After a lot of waiting, Google finally announced that the next version of Android will be officially called Android Oreo.

Google’s new mobile operating system is called Android Oreo. The company unveiled a statue of the dessert-themed update at 14th Street Park in New York City on Monday, August 21. This would be the first time that Google revealed the next Android statue somewhere other than on its Mountain View, California, headquarters.

Android O will be a substantial update that will bring over a bunch of new features. Firstly, Android O will have improved notifications. It is rumored to adopt a new notification system, Andromeda. This might bring in synced notifications and smarter ordering. However, there is no information provided if this feature will be totally revamped.

Android O will also come with new app icon badges for notifications. The report stated that this would allow you to get a quick glance at how many notifications you have for any given app just by looking at your home screen. Another new feature expected to Android O is picture-in-picture mode, similar to Android TV. This feature will be an AI-based ‘smart text selection floating toolbar’. Google Assistant is rumored to be included in this tool as well.

Lastly, another feature would be ‘restricted background activities' from apps such as Chrome 57. This will result in a reduced usage of power, thus, increasing battery life. This stricter throttling policy in Chrome 57 should result in 25 percent fewer busy background tabs, says Google.


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